Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Themes

1. Live for tomorrow

Live for tomorrow—that is, life after death—by leading a holy and virtuous earthly life that includes doing good works. In the opening lines of the play, Death states this theme when he says, "Man, in the beginning, / Look well, and take good heed to the ending." Everyman learns to "take good heed" before it is too late. Everyone has to confess and repent his sins and thus earns paradise on the strength of his contrition and the good works that he has performed.

2. The deceptive appearance of sins
Man in his youth perceives sin as beautiful, like a spring flower. But this flower fades and dies in the autumn and winter of life. Death warns the audience to take heed of this truth.

3.Material vs spiritual gain
A man may gain a world of riches, but they are as nothing if he suffers the loss of his soul. Material success usually dominates in individual life and makes him far away to earn the spiritual blessing. everyman fights for obtaining wealth in his life while he is forgetting about his spiritual duty and hereafter.

4.God's mercy
Humans snub God’s mercy. Caught up with the pleasures of life and the pursuit of material possessions, people neglect to petition the Lord to receive forgiveness for their sins, which He is ready to bestow.

5. Final Judgement

No human being can escape final judgment. God tells Death that the day will come when every person must undertake a final journey and give an accounting of his life before the Lord. No man can escape this task; every person will face a day of reckoning.