Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Main Theme

The theme that we have chosen is based on the subject of Drama.

We have chosen the text from Everyman the Morality play and we will highlight some of the good elements that are found in the text and try to Islamize some of the issues.

Islamization of knowledge is not merely about applying and relating the texts with the Quranic verses because Islamization of knowledge is anything that is good and does not lead to evil or corruption.

In another words, drama is supposed to give the listeners and audience lessons after a certain play. Therefore, we have chosen drama as our theme because we are hoping that our lesson in computer application in language learning will also benefit the students after they are finished with the course.

The Themes

1. Live for tomorrow

Live for tomorrow—that is, life after death—by leading a holy and virtuous earthly life that includes doing good works. In the opening lines of the play, Death states this theme when he says, "Man, in the beginning, / Look well, and take good heed to the ending." Everyman learns to "take good heed" before it is too late. Everyone has to confess and repent his sins and thus earns paradise on the strength of his contrition and the good works that he has performed.

2. The deceptive appearance of sins
Man in his youth perceives sin as beautiful, like a spring flower. But this flower fades and dies in the autumn and winter of life. Death warns the audience to take heed of this truth.

3.Material vs spiritual gain
A man may gain a world of riches, but they are as nothing if he suffers the loss of his soul. Material success usually dominates in individual life and makes him far away to earn the spiritual blessing. everyman fights for obtaining wealth in his life while he is forgetting about his spiritual duty and hereafter.

4.God's mercy
Humans snub God’s mercy. Caught up with the pleasures of life and the pursuit of material possessions, people neglect to petition the Lord to receive forgiveness for their sins, which He is ready to bestow.

5. Final Judgement

No human being can escape final judgment. God tells Death that the day will come when every person must undertake a final journey and give an accounting of his life before the Lord. No man can escape this task; every person will face a day of reckoning.

About the Play

Everyman is a morality play, an allegorical drama that teaches a lesson about how Christians should live and what they must do to save their souls. A morality play is, in effect, a sermon that is acted out. The characters of a typical morality play include personifications of virtues (such as hope and charity), vices (such as pride and sloth), or other qualities, as well as personifications of objects (such as money) or activities (such as death or fellowship). In addition, God and angels may appear as characters, as they do in Everyman.

Why Drama?

Drama is not only limited to the westerners only but drama is meant to deliver certain messages to the readers especially about morality.

In islam, death comes naturally and every one must face it, and no one actually knows when is the time going to come.

This is why we chose the ' everyman'. There are some relevant issues that could be used in the islamic perspective and the are some things we would like to change a little bit because some of the message is not islamic.

The Summoning of Everyman

From youtube

May us be saved from these...
And may us be granted by these



Reflection on Second Assignment

Public Online Chatroom is a real time conversation.

Through the analysis we:

- Improve our knowledge on written language and spoken language.
- Know how to distinguish between written language and spoken language.
- Recognize the language style used in public chatroom; speaking like conversation, oversimplified and etc.
- Introduce us to the world of chatters.

For Heaven on Your Deeds Depends

Monday, March 7, 2011

Reflection on the first assignment

Thursday, February 24, 2011


articles on corpus linguistics
- article 1
- article 2

Thursday, February 17, 2011

3 assignment

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflection on third assignment


- Lexicography gave an insight on how the compilation of dictionary is made.
- Make use of the information that is reliable on the net
- Relate it to the previous subjects such as History of English Language (to know about the historical background of words), sociolinguistic, and morphology
- Knowing about how words are changing ( addition/omission of words)
- Familiarize ourselves with different kinds of corpus that are used as raw data in making a dictionary (spoken/written corpus)
- We can enhance our knowledge by doing research as regard to lexicography such as finding articles, and relate it to language learning and research

Monday, February 14, 2011

Second Assingment on corpus

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1st Assignment